Monday, February 27, 2017

Repaying your sleep debt definitevely | Catch up sleep | Sleep 10 hours straigth and feel energetic again

During my life, I encountered hard times where I needed to minimize my sleep in order to achieve something.
That something, in my case, were university exams.

They say 'No Pain, No Gain', and it is a grounded belief. I can tell by my experience that when the tasks are too many, being balanced is out of question. 
What should be balanced?

Social Life - Sleep - Work/Study
,the set of core activities that  recently has changed in
Social Life - Sleep - Work/Study - Physical Exercise

For the medium civilized human being this can not be attained.
That is why today, I propose you the stack I use every time I need to recover from hard times.
I only utilize it when I really need to catch up with weeks of poor sleep. If practiced too much, this method looses its efficacy due to the adaptability of your body.
With your current routine, though, you will be suprised how effective it can be.
On recovering days, you will need:

  • NAC - N-acetylcysteine 600mg (soluble)
  • Magnesium glycinate/lysinate chelate - 300mg  
  • Bland sedative or Sleep inducer, between: l-theanine 100mg, GABA 200mg, THC Pill (100mg of active principle), At Ease PM™
  • Vitamin C 600mg (soluble)
  • Melatonin 2,5mg

Before going to bed, on recovering days:

You will take 400mg NAC and 400mg Vitamin C together, with a glass of water.
You will then pop the entire dose of Melatonin with 200mg magnesium and water.

Set your alarm on 4hours and 30minutes later than actual time and go to bed.

When the alarm wakes you up, immediately take your bland sleep inducer.
Take 200mg NAC, 200mg Vitamin C and 100mg magnesium.
Finally, take your time to appreciate where you live, going on balcony, if you got one. 
You can do that or for example, open the largest window in your house. 
I usually listen to a song while doing that.

You're ready to go to bed again. Set your alarm to 4hours, 10minutes later.

Motivations and Scientific Background:

One of the main reasons you don't feel refreshed when you wake up, is that the oxygen supply throughout the night was scarce.
This puts a strain on your brain, and the capacity to clean up waste products is diminished, together with the regeneration rate of Gray Matter.
Many collateral effects of psychoactive substances share this trigger.

  • NAC helps the body utilizing oxygen decreasing density of mucus and dilating arteries lumen.1
  • Vitamin C helps the body taking care of the oxidized form of NAC and Glutathione, whose blood concentrations can increase after taking NAC. Moreover, you are more susceptible to pathogens when mucus doesn't cover the lungs tissue5. Vitamin C boosts your immune system. It is one of the most effective supplements you can take.1
  • Magnesium glycynate/lysate is highly absorbable and doesn't give abdominal distress. This is important to avoid hindering its calming effect: you need magnesium to keep muscle relaxed6 and circulation going smoothly. I learned to not underestimate what a self-contracting muscle can do to your sleep quality.Moreover, you will sleep less if your blood magnesium levels at night are very low.2
  • Melatonin is effective if you normally don't take it. It is one of the most beneficial supplements you can take. Being primarily a body rythms synchronizer , its blood concentration goes up during the night. On top of that, is one very potent antioxidant. If there is too little melatonin in your blood at night you will experience poor quality of sleep, sleep less and increase you chance of contracting diseases.3
  • GABA is the main relaxing neurotrasmitter in the brain. You can't feel relaxed if your GABA levels are down. Its antagonist is Glutammate, the main excitatory n-tranmitter. To ensure adequate sleep through the rest of your night, this is top-notch choice because it is directly linked with sleep.4
  • L-theanine increases levels of various neurotransmitters including: GABA, dopamine, serotonin, and glycine . Moreover, it slightly increases levels of BDNF and NGF , two important neural regeneration factors. It reduces cortisol levels and increases relaxation associated with recovery from a stressful task1. Cortisol is basically what wakes you up at morning.

First week results:

During my first week adopting the routine, I took notes of my results, I summarized in this table:
I don't need super-recovering at the moment, so most of the data is relative to one big monophasic sleep session.

As soon as I will need it , the table will show also performance on recovering day. As you can see in the table, just supplementing with the stack generally boosts sleep quantity.

I would add, sleep quality it's also really improved: the most important factor you should look at when improving sleep.

I also specify which bland sedative /sleep inducer I've been using.

Before Supplementing After supplementing Sleeptime Earned
first week average of
6hours,40minutes of sleep
x night
day1: 6h,42min,
second week average of
6hours,40minutes of sleep
x night
day1: 10h(added 2 cups of Valerian Infuse to the stack)
day2: 8h
day3: 8h17min

WOW! Have you checked my second-week results? On the first day I added valierian root infuse to the stack and ate very low proteins for dinner(and carbs only from greens). The outcome is amazing, I slept 10h and woke up refreshed.

Quick Medicine Lesson
  • What is deep sleep and why it is important? Sleep cycles usually repeat every 90 to 110 minutes. Each cycle is made up of a sequence of different sleep phases. There are two main types of sleep: REM Sleep and NON-REM Sleep8.

Every little ache could interfere with your sleep:

I am here to prevent people from loosing quality sleep, that is why I give you advices directly from my experience, plus scientific well known facts.
During my periods of insmonia I've found out a simple back pain immensely impacts on your sleep quantity , the more time you leave it untreated. Did you know people with back pain sleep less time on average, independently of their age?9


[1]Getting a Knack for NAC
[Randy A. SansoneLori A. Sansone]
[2][The effect of melatonin, magnesium, and zinc on primary insomnia in long-term care facility residents in Italy: a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial.]
[Rondanelli MOpizzi AMonteferrario FAntoniello NManni RKlersy C.]
[3]Melatonin for the Treatment of Primary Sleep Disorders
[Eduardo Ferracioli-Oda,Ahmad QawasmiMichael H. Bloch]
[4]The Improvement of Sleep by Oral Intake of GABA and Apocynum venetum Leaf Extract
[Yamatsu AYamashita YMaru IYang JTatsuzaki JKim M.]
[5][Mucins, mucus, and sputum.][]
[Voynow JARubin BK]
[6][Magnesium for skeletal muscle cramps]
[8]What is “normal” sleep?

[9]The association between chronic low back pain and sleep: a systematic review.

catch sleep, nutra, sleep supplement, supplement, lifeextension,life extension, catch up sleep, circadian rythms, hours of sleep, increase sleep quality, lung, lungs, melatonin, minimize sleep, NAC,theanine,l-theanine,theanine sleep,l-theanine sleep,GABA,THC,THC sleep,THC oral,Apocynum venetum,Apocynum venetum sleep examine, scientific background,GABA for sleep, stack for sleep, supplements stack for sleep, no pain no gain, sleep debt, sleep supplement, supplement stack,sleep quantity,chronic fatigue syndrome,sleep apnea,greens,vegetables,valerian sleep,valerian infuse,lavender sleep, sleep quantity,deep sleep,sleep phases

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